Equestrian Skills
Step up a level with new exercises for you and your horse.

What is The Hoofprints Programme?
Hoofprints is the perfect programme for horse owners who want to bring next level positivity to their stables, arena and riding time.
It’s ideal for riders who would like to create a performance environment at home that helps them make the most of their riding time.
Are You Looking For
A New Performance Plan ?
The Hoofprints programme opens on November 7th. The course is 3 months long with 6 core elements and the Elite option includes 6 one to one coaching sessions as well as weekly check ins.
Alison is on hand throughout the programme to offer support and guidance. There is an exclusive online athlete lounge and membership hub packed with learning resources.
All you need to learn and practice is in your digital membership hub. Here you will find resource guides, videos and workbooks.
The Hoofprints Programme will help Riders to create a performance environment at home. When you focus on self care, horse care, communication, coaching and training you are ready to ride! Sign up today to create your new performance plan.
APPLY TODAYFun & Clarity Awaits...

Does this sound like you?
Are you a busy rider who would like to make the most of your riding time?
Would you like to feel ready and focussed to ride? Would you like to bring a consistent energy to your riding sessions and feel relaxed about your training process?
Would you like Coach support to step up a level with new exercises for you and your horse?
Do you find yourself lacking motivation sometimes? Are you tired of feeling under constant pressure to be positive when unexpected setbacks and disappointment can cloud your experience and leave you feeling less than calm?
Are you ready to develop your rider headspace and out of the saddle skills, to create your personal Performance Environment to prime your mind for riding and nurture your partnership?
What's Inside?

Coach Guidance
I’m Alison Kenward Equestrian Coach and I’ll be your Programme Guide.
I’m a British Horse Society Senior Coach & Stable Manager and I’m a BHS Accredited Professional Coach. I hold the UKCC3 and am a BD Judge & Recognised Coach. I’m also a Centre10 Accredited Coach.

Exclusive Rider Community
When you join Hoofprints you will be granted access to an exclusive online athlete lounge. I’ll be joining the conversations and will be on hand to answer questions as well as offering support.

Your Programme Resources
When you join Hoofprints you get a ton of resources to support you. Each module will explore the ingredients you need to enjoy your ride whilst performing at your best.
The Membership Hub is your space to work through the learning materials each month. There is an App too which means you can access the hub from your phone to take your exercise suggestions with you.

Your At Home Performance Environment.
Each horse and rider partnership is unique and will have a personal recipe for feeling relaxed, comfortable and ready to ride. It’s a unique emotional energy that allows us to connect with our horse. A bit like a signature in that our horse recognises our energy with many nuances.
Our home training and relaxation zones can be crucial to our progress and wellbeing. Hoofprints will help you to shape your optimum performance environment.

Beat the Uncertain Feeling
I have created the Hoofprints Programme to share my process for creating the right environment for horse and rider to thrive!
When you combine clarity of purpose and process with Coach support and guidance you have a powerful formula for riding with confidence and feeling fabulous.

Hoofprints Elite Live Coaching.
When you join Hoofprints Elite you are going to gain access to one to one online coaching with Alison. The Elite option gives you 6 sessions, 3 ridden and 3 coaching conversations plus weekly email checkins.
To apply to join the Hoofprints programme, Riders are asked to complete a simple application form to begin the enrolment process. Alison wants to know about you and your horse, your super strengths and focus for the year ahead. Once you are accepted you will be invited to join the hub to access your learning materials. Where you have been accepted for Hoofprints Elite, Alison will email to arrange your first coaching session.
I’m giving every rider who signs up for The Hoofprints Programme my 2023 Planner which will support you as you work out how to find your winning rider headspace. The planner will be yours to download in your Bonuses section of the Hub.
Look out for other surprises during our time together too.

Are you wondering if you have the time or energy to sign up for the Hoofprints programme? I know that horse riders are busy and I can’t help you with your workload but I CAN help you to feel excited about your Rider development plans AND to explore how you approach your mental preparation for riding. This course can help you adopt a new mindset that serves you and your horse as you train together.
JOIN NOWWe've Got Your Questions Covered
How does the course work?
What does my course fee include.
Do I need a horse to take part?
Is everything online?
What do my riders say about my coaching?

"I love the Ready Set Go download.. I have used it already to help me get in writing what outcome, performance and process goals I want / need to focus on."

"Alison’s thoughtful and positive approach in her workbooks have helped me be not only more reflective about each ride but recognise how I find enjoyment along my journey."
Are you ready to join Hoofprints? Apply Today!
Complete your application and tell me if you want to apply for Hoofprints Elite. There are limited spaces so do apply early.
Apply for a place on the Hoofprints Programme
Get started today and let me know why you would like to join the course.