Free Action Plan
3 Things Every Rider Needs to Know
Download your guide and start your Stressless Dressage journey!
Get the tips that every rider wishes they had before they started to ride Dressage Tests!
Download Your FREE Action PlanIn this Action Plan you'll learn how to skip years of making mistakes by learning these 3 tips:
Boost Your Motivation by understanding what questions the test is asking.
Dressage makes more sense to your horse when you break it down into small asks for them so they can try to answer the questions. Your job as a Rider is to motivate yourself to learn the test and explain the movements to your horse. I’ll show you how to do this in my free guide.
Simplify Your Schooling sessions.
It’s easy to get stuck on the track or on yet another circle. I’ll show you how to arrive in the arena with a plan that you and your horse will have fun with. My free guide is going to show you how to create your sessions with your dressage test in mind.
Showcase Your Strengths.
Dressage is a test of your partnership with your horse, the way you communicate and present a series of movements that are linked together. Each time you enter the arena with your horse it’s an opportunity to present where you are in your Dressage journey. My guide is going to help you to recognise the things that you and your horse do well and how to ride your tests so that the Judge can award you more marks.
You can be your horse’s hero with my 3 step action plan for Stressless Dressage.
Download the Free Guide:
3 Things Every Rider Needs to Know
Download your action plan and discover how to prepare for a dressage test so that your horse feels calm, relaxed and balanced! Get the tips that every rider wishes they had before they rode onto the centre line!

I'm Alison!
Rider, Horse Owner, Coach & Mentor.
I arrived in the Dressage Arena after more than a decade of playing Polocrosse. It was a huge learning curve and I have a ton of top tips to help you enjoy the test arena even if that seems a way off just now.
I discovered easy ways to learn a test, simple exercises that could help my horse and I feel confident in the arena and now I want to share with you so that you and your horse feel relaxed and confident to show off your strengths to the Judge.