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What is Your Equestrian Superpower?

coaching confidence equitation horsecare mindset wellbeing Aug 15, 2024

We all have strengths. I heard recently about a great way to combine positive reflection with exploring the things that are important to us when we develop our relationship with our horse. The idea is to begin by reminding yourself of the qualities you have that contribute to making you the awesome person that you are. I have taken part in a similar sort of exercise at Coach CPD where we shared positive observations with our colleagues and discussed the impact of praise. 

It’s powerful too to consider values that we admire in others. We can be open to change and explore how to adapt and grow. Values are not fixed. Let’s say you’ve noticed how it feels to be with a group of friends who are confident. Confidence is a behaviour as well as a feeling. It’s possible for everyone to adapt their practice and train to behave with more confidence. We would start by asking ourselves what confident looks and feels like. Then unpack what factors can boost or deplete confidence. 
Let’s look at learning a new skill. If you prepare to learn, have clear explanations, the opportunity to practice, ask questions and experience making mistakes as well as achieving the task then you have a plan that contributes to boosting confidence and skill.

Your Superpowers might include your personal mix of values, attitudes, behaviours and habits as well as your approach to practice, learning, challenges and more. Your Superpowers will be honed through experience and your personal reflections on those experiences. 
Recognising your strengths / superpowers is part of recognising your self, your identity.

Have a look at this list and see if some of them resonate. ‘Feel’ Horsemanship, Knowledge, Intuition, Empathy, Kindness, Self Belief, Self Awareness, Intrinsic Motivation, Resilience, Creativity, Patience, Openess, Bond with Horses, Communication. What would you add to your list? 
This list is not fixed either. At different times, different things will be important to you!

When you work with a Coach or join a coaching programme you have the opportunity to explore new habits for schooling and training.

Join Rider With A Plan to work on your strengths, develop your confidence and skills and learn how to choose the best schooling exercises for making progress. 



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