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Double League Champion

competition Jul 15, 2023

I first entered Online Dressage International in September 2022. I liked the structure offering progressively more challenging tests. I opted for the Veteran Entry Level ( walk trot ) class. Test A was very encouraging and at our first show we won with a PB of over 76% and the most fabulous feedback. I asked Tina to help me prepare for Test B and C because I was struggling a bit with steering still. We achieved great results for the next shows too and I was delighted to join a team with two friends I hadn’t met yet, Roxanne and Regina and later Cecilia joined us.
It was brilliant to be part of a team again and we supported each other over the Autumn. Salvation continued his amazing form and suddenly we were at the last show of the winter season, Show 6. I was so excited waiting for the scoreboard and ecstatic to discover we won the Veteran League. The next day the team results were posted and Team Elegance had won the League. We were all so happy and couldn’t quite believe it! 
After Christmas there was a Championship Show and because Humpty was having time off I sponsored the competition. It was as exciting watching the scoreboard as a sponsor as it is as a rider. It was great to give something back to our sport.

When the Spring league arrived I knew I wanted to step up a level as we were coping quite well with canter and more complicated floorplans. At this point it began to feel like a fairytale as the results came back with great feedback and a win. I was feeling competitive and determined to continue our good form. It was a close league, at times we lost our lead but with 4 wins and some great scores we claimed the Veteran League for the second time. Double League Champion has a fantastic ring to it. At the Championship Show we competed in the Open Newcomers event and with great scores we placed 2nd. 

I was feeling confident to step up another level when it was time to enter the Summer League, I decided to step up to Proficient Level.  I have entered the team league again with two new team mates Eva and Maddy who compete in the Western Horse Class and the Native Class. At the time of writing we have completed Show 1 and I’m proud to report that Humpty has won the Veteran Class. 

Humpty has his own profile page on Equestrian All Stars. This is a place where riders can share their Horse’s profile and story online. It’s a great way to celebrate your horse and to say thank you to sponsors and supporters. If you would like an Equestrian All Stars page visit here for more information.